Web3Games Devnet

Web3Games Devnet


Deploy an NFT Project on Web3Games Devnet

How to Create and Deploy an ERC-721

ERC-721 is a unique token standard on the blockchain that represents a non-fungible, one-of-a-kind asset in the digital world. On the Web3Games Devnet blockchain, ERC-721 tokens can be used to represent in-game assets, character skins, or even collectibles. With the powerful no-code tool NFTs2Me, users can easily deploy their own ERC-721 tokens with customizable metadata and even generate AI-assisted images if necessary. As a blockchain that is compatible with EVM, Web3Games Devnet provides a secure and efficient environment for gaming and NFT operations. Let NFTs2Me unleash your creativity and potential in the exciting world of blockchain gaming and collectibles!

We don't support this blockchain yet, if you are interested please join our Discord and let us know.

How to Create and Deploy an ERC-1155

Introducing the ERC-1155 token standard on the Web3Games Devnet blockchain, where multi-token contracts can be deployed with ease. With the NFTs2Me no-code tool, you can quickly create your very own NFT project in just a few simple minutes, without any technical expertise required. Not only does NFTs2Me allow for easy deployment, but it also comes equipped with AI capabilities to generate stunning images for your tokens if you don't have them readily available. Take the leap into the world of NFTs on Web3Games Devnet and let NFTs2Me help guide your journey.

We don't support this blockchain yet, if you are interested please join our Discord and let us know.

How much does it cost to deploy a NFT Smart Contract?

An NFT Smart Contract on the "Web3Games Devnet" blockchain, compatible with EVM, is a digital contract that enables the creation, distribution, and ownership of unique non-fungible tokens. These tokens can represent any digital asset, such as artwork, music, or video games, and their ownership is recorded on the blockchain, ensuring their authenticity and provenance. With the no-code tool NFTs2Me, anyone can easily and quickly deploy their own NFT project without any prior knowledge. This tool also utilizes AI to generate stunning visuals, in case you don't already have them. NFTs2Me provides a user-friendly and efficient way to engage in the burgeoning NFT market and capitalize on this exciting new technology. So join the revolution and create your own NFT Smart Contract today!

We don't support this blockchain yet, if you are interested please join our Discord and let us know.

How to deploy a collection with NFTs2Me (step-by-step video)

RPC Web3Games Devnet

Info URL


You can visit the blockchain information URL to learn about its latest updates, roadmap, foundation, the purpose of this blockchain, and much more.