Theta Mainnet


Deploy an NFT Project on Theta Mainnet

How to Create and Deploy an ERC-721

An ERC-721 token is a unique and non-fungible token standard that is widely used for representing digital art, collectibles, and other assets on the blockchain. Theta Mainnet is a high-performance blockchain that is compatible with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and is specifically designed for powering decentralized video streaming platforms. By using NFTs2Me, a user-friendly no-code tool, one can easily deploy their own ERC-721 NFT project on Theta Mainnet. NFTs2Me simplifies the process by providing an intuitive interface that doesn't require any coding skills. Additionally, NFTs2Me has integrated an AI-powered image generation tool that can assist users in creating their own unique NFT artwork. Create and deploy your own NFT project effortlessly with NFTs2Me and Theta Mainnet, the perfect combo for the digital asset industry!

We don't support this blockchain yet, if you are interested please join our Discord and let us know.

How to Create and Deploy an ERC-1155

ERC-1155 is a multi-token standard on the Theta Mainnet blockchain, which allows for the creation of both fungible and non-fungible tokens. With NFTs2Me, you can easily deploy your own project on Theta Mainnet without any coding skills. The platform also offers the option to generate unique artwork through Artificial Intelligence if you don't have any existing images. Additionally, NFTs2Me's user-friendly interface allows you to complete the process in just a few minutes. With Theta Mainnet's compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), users can expect fast and efficient transactions. Join the NFT revolution today and begin creating your own unique ERC-1155 tokens on Theta Mainnet!

We don't support this blockchain yet, if you are interested please join our Discord and let us know.

How much does it cost to deploy a NFT Smart Contract?

An NFT Smart Contract is a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code on a blockchain, in this case, Theta Mainnet. Theta Mainnet is a decentralized platform that supports smart contracts and enables the creation of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). With the platform's no-code tool, NFTs2Me, anyone can effortlessly deploy their very own NFT project in just a few short minutes, no experience needed! Conveniently, the tool also leverages AI image generation capabilities for those without pre-existing NFT images. The result is a user-friendly and intuitive experience that puts the power of NFTs and blockchain technologies at your fingertips.

We don't support this blockchain yet, if you are interested please join our Discord and let us know.

How to deploy a collection with NFTs2Me (step-by-step video)

RPC Theta Mainnet

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