Conflux eSpace (Testnet)

Conflux eSpace (Testnet)


Deploy an NFT Project on Conflux eSpace (Testnet)

How to Create and Deploy an ERC-721

An ERC-721 token is a unique digital asset that can be stored and traded on blockchain platforms. In the case of Conflux eSpace (Testnet), a blockchain compatible with EVM, NFTs2Me is a powerful no-code tool that allows anyone to deploy their own ERC-721 token in just a few minutes. With this tool, there is no need for prior knowledge or technical skills. Additionally, even if you do not have an image for your token, NFTs2Me can generate one for you utilizing AI! Whether you want to create a collectible, a gaming asset, or any other kind of distinctive digital item, NFTs2Me can streamline the process and help you bring your ideas to fruition with ease.

We don't support this blockchain yet, if you are interested please join our Discord and let us know.

How to Create and Deploy an ERC-1155

ERC-1155 is a multi-token standard on Ethereum that allows for the creation of fungible and non-fungible tokens. On the Conflux eSpace Testnet, ERC-1155 provides developers with a flexible and efficient solution for managing and deploying NFTs. With the NFTs2Me no-code tool, users can easily deploy their own ERC-1155 NFT project within minutes. This tool empowers users to create unique NFTs, and can help generate custom artwork if needed. Conflux eSpace (Testnet) is a compatible EVM blockchain that enables smooth integration with the NFTs2Me no-code tool. Experience the ease and power of deploying your own NFT project with NFTs2Me, without needing any technical skills.

We don't support this blockchain yet, if you are interested please join our Discord and let us know.

How much does it cost to deploy a NFT Smart Contract?

The world of blockchain has been revolutionized with the advent of NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens. These tokens have become a means of digital ownership for various assets, including artwork, music, and even tweets. NFT Smart Contracts on Conflux eSpace (Testnet) have taken this trend further, granting unprecedented flexibility and functionality to NFTs. Deploying an NFT Smart Contract on Conflux eSpace (Testnet) can be accomplished with ease using the no-code NFTs2Me tool. With this tool, in just a few minutes, anyone can deploy their own NFT project, even generating images using AI if necessary. This massively streamlines the process of NFT creation for anyone wanting to partake in this exciting new world.

We don't support this blockchain yet, if you are interested please join our Discord and let us know.

How to deploy a collection with NFTs2Me (step-by-step video)

RPC Conflux eSpace (Testnet)

Info URL

You can visit the blockchain information URL to learn about its latest updates, roadmap, foundation, the purpose of this blockchain, and much more.